Stay home.

I know we have seen it a lot, and I know we will hear it a lot more. I hope I'm not adding to the noise, but my goal is for anyone carrying out their lives in an ordinary fashion to please reconsider.

Due to how public my ex-husband’s work is, we made the incredibly difficult decision to keep the girls here with me until things settle down. Meaning, Tyler hasn't seen Tal and Bryn face to face since March 11th. Anyone who knows him knows how impossible this has been for him - and for the girls too. Thanks to technology, the girls see Daddy as often as they can. Playing cards, Guess Who, or making up dances, and having lots of laughs. It isn't easy, but we are so grateful that we can make it work. And I am so proud of our ability to co-parent and decide what is truly best and safest for our girls without making it about ourselves.

Because this is not about us.

And this virus isn't about you.

It's about your ability to spread this thing beyond repair, costing more lives than necessary. Pushing an incredible burden onto the brave men and women in our healthcare system keeping our loved ones alive. They are people too. Tired, stressed, overworked, and carrying the huge burden of our decisions.

So, please stay home.

Please do everything you can to flatten the curve so this virus won't steal too many cuddles from the moms, dads, aunts, uncles, sisters, and brothers, that have had to make similar decisions as we have had to.

Please stay home for those who don't have the choice.

Thank you, Tyler for doing your part and making this sacrifice in order to protect our community and our girls.

Thank you, to my partner for supporting me and encouraging me to be home with our babies during this crazy time. I am so grateful for you and your ability to make it work, no matter what. I love you.

Thank you, to the countless medical, paramedic, and front line workers putting your own health and safety at risk each and every day, to provide essential services and to care for those impacted by COVID-19.

If you need me, I'll be here... at home. Doing the most simple and impactful heroic act I will ever be asked to do. I hope you will do the same.


one in five.


Saying Goodbye.